Coretta Scott By Ntozake Shange

Illustrated by Kadir Nelson

The oil paintings are beautiful and moving. Really. Just doing a picture walk with young people in lieu of reading the book would be a rewarding experience. The pictures alone make me want to get up off my rump and help others. The text is a poem. I like the way it begins—the details of Mrs. King’s early days—but then I grew disappointed with the poem because I felt Dr. King became the subject. The note in the back belongs to Mrs. King though. There, young readers can learn more about her extraordinary work (e.g., how she led the march immediately after Dr. King’s death and how she continued to fight for civil rights after his death). I want a Coretta Scott King Book that screams about the important work that she did. It doesn’t have to be independent of what Dr. King did, but I need to see her work celebrated more. If you have a book for children that is like this, please let me know.

Mrs. King died on January 30, 2006.