“Blues, Biography, Slavery, and Politics”

My latest reviews appear in a ForeWord Magazine article, “Blues, Biography, Slavery, and Politics”. My friends who are drawn to books about black culture will be interested in the books listed here.

I was touched by 'Til Death or Distance Do Us Part: Love and Marriage in African America by Frances Smith Foster. In my review I wanted to say, “You tell ‘em, Dr. Foster; enslaved people were sincere about love. They wanted to keep their families together.” Dr. Foster proves her thesis by turning to overlooked sources: enslaved people, their own words in newspapers and other sources. Laws did not acknowledge their unions, yet enslaved people got married in churches, exchanged vows and rings….

Still Brave: The Evolution of Black Women’s Studies
edited by Stanlie M. James, Frances Smith Foster, and Beverly Guy-Sheftall was fierce!

Remember All the Women Are White, All the Blacks Are Men, But Some Of Us Are Brave: Black Women’s Studies? Well this book is a tribute to that book. It is filled with solid essays about being black, female, knowledgeable, proactive.

Pieces are by Audre Lorde, Angela Davis, bell hooks, June Jordan, Alice Walker, and so many others. My favorite is the last piece. It’s by Cheryl Wall. She talks about President Obama’s daughters, beauty, black dolls, and Pecola (Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye).

Happy Reading!