More on common core

I’m still reading about common core standards. The last article I read was Nora Fleming’s “Common Core Stacks Up Well Vs. Other Respected Standards” (Education Week, 31(10), Nov. 2, 2011, p. 6).

The article says a report found that “English/language arts and mathematics [standards] are generally aligned to the leading state standards, international standards, and university standards at the high-school-exit
level, but are more rigorous in some content areas.” Fleming quotes *David Conley who says, "The common-core standards are a step in the right direction, but we still need more information on what makes a student college-and career-ready and still have a way to go toward creating stronger standards and assessments than [evaluating a student] by a cut score on a test."

*David Conley, lead researcher on the project and involved in developing the IB, Texas, and the Knowledge and Skills for University Success standards.

Another interesting article is "More Argument, Fewer Standards" by Mike Schmoker & Gerald Graff  (Education Week, 30(28) 31, 33 Ap 20, 2011).

The authors maintain, “If we want record numbers of students to succeed in postsecondary studies and careers, an ancient, accessible concept needs to be restored to its rightful place at the center of schooling: argument.”

They say argument is discussed in the common core, but it could be neglected. They convincingly and passionately argue the benefits of arguing at all grade levels and subject areas.

What am I trying to say? I don’t know…

Maybe that it’s going to be interesting to watch the common core take shape across the country.

Maybe that I like to argue and glad others like it too.

Maybe that I’m reading too much Ed. Week :)