Not Me! by Nicola Killen

Whether you have one child or a whole brood, often no one seems to want to take responsibility once a mess has been made. The youngsters in this book are no different, from handprints on the wall (they look like they’ve been stamped on the page) to piles of peas on the floor. The book calls for interaction from the reader who is asked to guess who made the mess on one side of a double page spread and shown pictures of the crew, minus Jess the pup who shall remain innocent, on the other. The way the text says one thing while illustrations drape evidence all around the guilty party will lead to interesting conversation.

My guess is young people will enjoy passing the buck when reading this story, as they privately remember the last time they were asked who ate all the cake to which they responded with a smile and a shoulder shrug, oblivious to the chocolate icing around their mouths.

Disclosure: I asked the publisher for this title. It reminded me of my son who is an only child, but never seemed to mind yelling, Not Me!