Please help. I’m desperate.
Z: Mom, you got anything I can read?
K: (Stammering, wondering why she is never prepared when this question comes up.) Do you want more Volponi?
Z: Who’s Volponi?
K: He’s the guy who wrote Black & White.
Z: Yes, where are they?
K: (She was just stalling; she doesn’t have anything else by Paul Volponi, but will request some things at the library.) I don’t have anything.
Z: Oh.
K: (Fumbling around bookshelves.) Where is *Moves Make the Man? It must be in my office. Are you ready for Catcher in the Rye? Holden curses too much for me.
Z: He does? Let me see that book.
K: Catcher in the Rye might be too heavy. Read the first page. If you don’t want it, read this. (K hands him Justin Case: School, Drool, and Other Daily Disasters by Rachel Vail and illustrated by Matthew Cordell.) I think it’s patterned after that series…
Z: Wimpy Kid?
K: Yeah. Maybe you should leave it with me. I plan to read it next.
Z: (Sly grin on his face.) No, I’ll take it. I might need it.
Z goes in his room.
K’s still running around looking for Moves Make the Man.
*Moves Make the Man is by Bruce Brooks. It reminds K of Black & White a little.