“Using Biography to Teach Disability History” by Kim E. Nielsen

*What I learned last week?

The thing I read last week that grabbed my attention was “Using Biography to Teach Disability History” by Kim E. Nielsen. Nielsen urges readers to look at biographies that feature people with disabilities as historical texts.

I’ve always loved biography. I like reading them to learn more about human nature, how people live, who they love, how they succeed, and how they fail.

Nielsen asked me to do something different.

She suggested that I read biographies to examine disability.

How has the view of disability in the US changed over time?

How has the definition of disability changed over time?

How has people’s experience with disabilities changed?

Gosh. I love learning.

*I’ll be the first to tell you that I know absolutely nothing, so coming up with one thing I’ve learned in a given hour is difficult, so imagine how hard it is to settle on one thing for an entire week. Of all of the things I read last week, this one is still on my mind, so I’m happy to write about it.

Want to Read It?
“Using Biography to Teach Disability History,” Kim E. Nielsen, OAH Magazine of History, July 2009, 41-43